Qual Street

Dedication to the answer


The Year in the Life Project: Breakthrough Creative Thinking for Business & Research

The Year in the Life Project: Breakthrough Creative Thinking for Business & Research


Ambreen and I have been working for nearly two years on the Year in the Life Project…
…And we’re getting ready to share our insights with you


The project’s premise is simple. If you study for longer, if you get to know people in more detail, you’ll get a better understanding of their lives. You’ll see the smaller details as they happen, and watch as longer-term changes evolve. From this real empathy and understanding can then emerge.

So, in 2017 we recruited nine women to share with us a year in their life. We set up an on-line community where they could answer questions and explore ideas together as a group, we asked them to keep a journal, we visited them, we shopped with them, we asked our participants to make audio and video posts and to share their photos too.

The women live in London and Yorkshire. They all have children. They all identify as ‘just about managing financially’. They’re not rich, and they’re not living in poverty, but they’re not living on easy street, that’s for sure.

So, here’s your chance to go deeper…

  1. to know and to feel what it’s like to live their lives, to empathise with mums who are just about managing
  2. to get insights that happen when people AREN’T asked direct questions, or given a research agenda, but simply asked to examine their own lives

We think this will bring your business a new kind of insight


Businesses always talk about knowing their customers, but then they apply their own ‘framework’ about what that knowing should be.

The Year in the Life Project doesn’t have objectives, other than to explore what it’s like to be a mum that’s just about managing with money in 2017…

If you want to see the world from other’s perspectives this is your chance. Your chance to think more openly, more creatively, and to create better ideas.

How do you get hold of these insights?

  1. we’re launching our website on October 12th – immerse yourself in their world videos, photos, audios, and select from the many key topics that interest you
  2. get in touch and we’ll send you a copy of the Year in the Life Creative Scrapbook which shows you how to think creatively and introduces the women’s lives through some fab photos (the first 100 are free, and then selling at £10 for pdf, £20 hard-copy)
  3. ask us to come in for a free taster session, where we hand-pick the insight that will benefit your organisation

And share the insight. Above all we want to share the Year in the Life Insight with the Insight and Creativity community…


Kath Rhodes, Qual Street Owner

I love love learning and so I invest time and resources into exploring social psychology, neuro science, creativity and new techniques in research. Read all about it and help yourself to the ideas that will deliver your business the insight it needs

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